InsertKink is a special commaned in Rhino which adds kinks
in a curve. The curve can be split into multiple joined curves.
Select the curve.
The curve is split into multiple joined curves.
Point Editing > Insert Kink
Edit > Control Points > Insert
Another unique command related to insertkink is non-periodic surface.
non-periodic surface is a closed surface with a kink at the start/end of the surface. Deforming non-periodic surfaces near the start of the surface may result in kinks. Non-periodic surfaces are automatically created when the input curves are non-periodic.
non-periodic surface is a closed surface with a kink at the start/end of the surface. Deforming non-periodic surfaces near the start of the surface may result in kinks. Non-periodic surfaces are automatically created when the input curves are non-periodic.
Makes a periodic curve or surface
the objects.
The MakeNonPeriodic command
changes a periodic surface
or curve into a non-periodic surface or curve. Non-periodic surfaces and curves can
develop kinks when
Surface Tools > Make Surface Non-Periodic (Right
Curve Tools > Make Non-Periodic (Right click)
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